
Gut, sweet pepper, coriander, onion, garlic, one tomato, bay leaves, chard, cloves, pieces of nutmeg, Worchester sauce. Potatoes, green bananas and cassava are among vegetables and root vegetables that can be used in making this dish.
Wash the guts and cook them in abundant water the day before the dish is made. Add salt, sweet pepper, onion, garlic, tomato, bay leaves, chard, cloves and a piece of nutmeg.The day after, strain the soup and cut the guts in pieces to be thrown into the soup. Fry the big onion in pork fat, a piece of spicy pepper, salt, sugar, mustard and Worchester. This mixture will be later added to the soup.Finally, add the assortment of diced vegetables and root vegetables. Let them grass cook well, then let it take a slow burn and you’re in business!

Green ears of corn,Milk,Pork meat or chops,Onion,Ripe pepper,Tomatoes,Salt and pepper,
Remove the grains off the corn ears using a knife. Grind and mix with some milk and water until a thick paste is made. Cook in salt and fat. Some butter or margarine can be used. Be careful not to pour too much water or milk.For the stuffing, grind a little bit of corn, some toasted pumpkin seeds and water. Grind the onions, sweet pepper, garlic and some pork fat. Season and stir the dough with salt and pepper, and as much spicy pepper as you want to add. ,The banana leaves can be bought in the market and must be boiled until they get darkened. Remove the leaf veins and flatten the leaves. Put a spoonful of dough in the center of the leaf. The tamales are wrapped up using threads out of the dry banana stalk.

Fresh pork blood,Salt,Pepper,Peppermint leaves
Put some salt into the pork’s fresh blood, plus salt, pepper and peppermint leaves well cleansed and ground. The gut bags are made the same way you do for sausages. The bags are filled, tied up and pierced with a needle. Cook in salty water not for too long. Remember it’s blood what you’re cooking here, and blood is always done before the meat does.