
Cochune nuts in honey
Cochune nuts,Sugar sweet
Wash and peel them, and crush them using a mallet. In a bowl, put some water on a burner with some of the milk sweet. Once they’re pretty much done, pour more milk sweet until they cochune nuts are done. The honey must be thick and it must be put to rest for about one hour.

Drunken mangoes
1 big ripe mango,1 cup of sherry,sugar,lemon juice
Peel one big ripe mango and cut it in slices. Then put the slices into a glass container and sprinkle a cup of sherry all over it. You can also sprinkle some sugar or lemon juice.Put it in the fridge and just one hour before serving on the table, add plenty of crushed ice. This recipe can also be prepared using a melon or a papaya.

1 lb of cornmeal,1 lb of beef,1 lb of pork meat ,1 cup of peas,4 eggs,3 tablespoons of cooking oil,baking powder,grated cheese
Cook the cornmeal as if you were going to make tortillas. Grind it and add a tablespoon of grated cheese plus three of cooking oil and a pinch of salt.Stir the whole thing and then stretch the dough out over a piece of waxed paper until the dough is pretty thin. Cut the tortillas using an empty can as a cookie cutter, the size you see fit. Heat plenty of cooking oil and put the tortillas in it when boiling. Tortillas must be brown on both sides. Get them out of the oil and let them strain dry.Cook and grind the meats. Add the cracklings and the sauce. You could prevent the meat from getting way too dry by pouring a sip of the very meat broth in it. Put a teaspoon of cooked meat atop the tortilla, and then add the grated cheese and eggs. Stalks of parsley can be used as decoration.