

It’s made for religious purposes (like the patron saint party of Tecolutla) but it has become an everyday drink in the regions of Chiapas and Tabasco.

. Drink originally from Tabasco. Fermented from corn dough, ground cocoa and cold water, seasoned with salt or chili. It's alcohol-free.
In some regions the Pozol is prepared with a mixture of boiled corn and pixte (the seed of sapota fruit) previously roasted and grounded. The cocoa Pozol is a famous variation. The cocoa is grounded until it releases oil and then it is stirred with corn dough. It is served after mixed with water and sugar.


It's a typical drink of the Mexican Republic, known since the mexicas times, the pulque is so famous that in the region of Santa María Tejacate has been industrialized and canned. The white pulque and fruit is the traditional drink in Tlaxcala. The Huitzilac Pulque is carried by mules and ass for its trading in the capital of the State of Morelos. In Puebla it is known by Pulque of Obo.

Fermented juice of Maguey, fruit and sugar.
The cured Pulque is the mixture of Pulque with different fruit (nuts, nut-pine, celery, guava, orange, water melon, lemon and others) to sweeten its flavor. It can be drunk white or with fruit.The Huitzilac Pulque is a drink extracted from the maguey plant by the farmers of the Huitzilac municipality.The Pulque of Obo is a fermentation of obo (wild plum) sweetened with sugar.


Its everyday consumption is typical of the region of Michoacán and among the mazahuas of the Northwest of the State of Mexico.

It’s a drink made of germinated yellow corn, which after fifteen days, is dried under the sun and ground to be boiled with brown sugar (piloncillo). When it chills, the Pulque is added and fermented for another five days.