Discover San Miguel de Allende


San Miguel de Allende is a tourist destination that preserves a historical and patrimonial legacy that has made it worthy of recognition as a Magic Town and World Cultural Heritage" in 2008 by UNESCO, it also has a wide range of luxury tourism on offer.

The destination has particular characteristics that reinforce the identity analysis, as their interaction with visitors and tourists has led the native people to rediscover day by day attributes of their individual and collective identity, allowing their conservation.

With its colorful architecture and its streets adorned with flowers, San Miguel de Allende offers the feeling of being a town, although its large population of artists gives it a cosmopolitan air.

Among the details that make it different from other destinations in Mexico culture, since it offers the possibility of taking classes of sculpture or painting, and acquire fine art.

It was founded in 1542 under the name of San Miguel el Grande, a town lack of services and infrastructure due to the orographical features derived from its location. Its proximity to the State of Zacatecas promoted the development of a geographic area rich in minerals resources, which encouraged the construction of roads and highways.

San Miguel de Allende is positioned as a destination rich in art, history and natural resources; an innovative tourism model that adapts to the needs of a demanding and competitive market.

There, the visitor interacts with beliefs, traditions, customs, myths, legends and knowledge, among other attractions that preserve the pre-Hispanic past, but mostly colonial fate.

Among the main spaces, the Historical Museum Casa de Allende, the Casa del Mayorazgo de la Canal, la Esquina Museum, the Museum of la Catrina, Museum the other face of Mexico and the "cultural art and design center La Aurora, which promote the slogan San Miguel de Allende: The Heart of Mexico.