
One of the most exciting sightseeing tours around Santa Lucia is a visit Qualibou, the only volcano to access to in the nighttime. Located in southeastern Soufrière, this particular location boasts a sulfurous-water spring and roughly 20 ponds giving out a very peculiar reek. Not far from here, the famous Pitons Peaks jut out, commonly known as The Little (916 meters high) and The Thick (861 meters high). A special mention goes to the area's tropical jungle, the cradle of huge valleys and breathtaking mountains. Soufrieré counts on good lodging, top-rated gourmet and a great variety of restaurants. As far as the beaches are concerned, Anse Chastanet is the most famous of all and a sought-after destination among scuba divers. Under the sea, schools of colorful fish pack a spectacular wallop. Anse Cochon, along the Caribbean coastline, shows off black-sand beaches visitors can only get to by boat. Jalousie Bay, south of Soufrière, is a gully travelers can also reach out to by boat.


La flora y fauna cubanas poseen una riqueza extraordinaria, en términos de abundancia y variedad. Debido a esta característica, muchos califican este territorio como el "paraíso de los naturalistas".