Santa Lucía

The exquisite tourist resort of Santa Lucia in Camaguey province has 9 km of beaches carefully protected by the extended coral reef North of Cuba. From the air, a continuous line of meerschaum reveals the existence of the coral reef, located 2 km from the coast, and the quiet sea that seems to be a giant lake. The nice temperatures (25-26 degree Celsius) that remain during the whole year, the scarce rain and the mild winds, turn this beach into an ideal place for swimming, scuba diving (there are 35 diving sites) and fishing. From Point Maternillos to the area of Cay Sabina, there is the diving zone, with sunken ships such as Our Lady of Alta Gracia, the Mortera, and the Pizarro, being the latter from the 19 th century. You can reach the nearby coral reef while high ridges outstand up to 10 meters among the sandy ground. The bathing place is an international diving center, 109 km away from the provincial capital, also called Camaguey, which is 643 km from Havana and 550 km from Santiago de Cuba. The show with the bull shark that inhabits the entrance of the Nuevitas Harbor is of great excitement. The natural environment in Santa Lucia has been well preserved. The Lago Real serves as habitat for the numerous pink flamingo colonies.


Para conservar los preciosos recursos de Venezuela, el país cuenta con 40 zonas protegidas, incluyendo cuencas fluviales, bosques, zonas agrícolas y reservas animales.