San Nicolas

San Nicolas is located in Aruba's easternmost end, some 12 miles from the nation's capital. It was founded in the 19th century and it's definitely one of the most populated cities, second-best in importance. In the mid 20th century, Standard Oil Co. decided to build there the world's largest oil refinery at the time to process the crude drilled out in Venezuela's Maracaibo Lake. In the city and in its surroundings, travelers will happen on those beaches and the kind of adventures they really need. Other sightseeing locations such as the Guadirikiri Caves, the Tunnel of Love and Fontein –featuring ancient cave paintings of high archeological value- can be reached out from here. For those who like horseback riding, safaris on jeeps or taking long hikes around Aruba's nature, opportunities are galore. If at the end of the day you still got some moxie left, go taste an exquisite meal in a local restaurant. Or maybe you prefer sunset dinners aboard a cruise liner off the shore, or just a moonlit party on deck. The choice is all yours!


Montserrat está considerada como uno de los 50 mejores lugares del mundo para practicar la bicicleta de montaña.