
As an open window to all relaxation and entertainment possibilities, Guardalavaca beach gives its hospitality to the visitors from all around the world holding a magic phrase "you are in the most beautiful land". This spot in Cuba, the big island of the Antilles, is a paradise inside a bigger one, the Caribbean, the dream of all those who are motivated to spend a splendid vacation in a different and unique place. Guardalavaca Beach is history and myth, scenery of the ties between Europe and America since Christopher Columbus sailed its waters in the caravels La Nina, La Pinta and La Santa Maria and put the world in contact with the aborigine culture of the Arawacs, settled in the area after a long and slow migration process from the North of Venezuela and who amazed the admiral and his intrepid sailors with its rites and customs. The tourist group Cubanacan, makes it possible that people from the whole world visit it and live the experience of going the same places, splendidly and beautifully preserved as in their beginnings. There are hotels for more than 2000 guests located right on the beach that offer the all-inclusive option. Besides there are specialized restaurants, entertainment centers, and there is the possibility to visit other places in the island due to the services of its travel agency.


Venezuela fue miembro fundador de la OPEP y es uno de los países más ricos de Sudamérica, con la tasa de crecimiento más elevada.