Grand Turk

Located west of the Turks & Caicos Archipelago, this small island offers a charming and lovely panorama, hedged with numerous deserted beaches ideal for scuba diving and snorkeling. Travelers can scour the nearby neighboring keys, and offer that undeniably means the island's best handout. This island is rimmed by coral reefs and sea bottoms harboring schools of motley fish that seem to swim up to par with the Caribbean's warm waters. If you've got your mind made up to hit the roadsdriving into the island will let you make out the spectacular image of the great hinterland lakes. Top-rated hotel resorts, restaurants ready to quench the wildest appetite, shopping malls and carloads of fun is all you need to spend a great vacationing time. Swing by sightseeing places, especially those treasuring Turks & Caicos' history. Take a tour around the island, traipse down the city streets and look up at the gorgeous colonial-style architecture.


Surinam realizó una contribución vital para el triunfo de los aliados en la Segunda Guerra Mundial proporcionando la bauxita necesaria para producir el aluminio destinado a la construcción de los aviones de guerra.