
This colonial city was founded in the 16th century and since its early days it's lived up to a longstanding and unaltered cultural tradition, an element present in all of its admirable museums, ecclesiastic buildings, public and civilian facilities. Its cobblestone streets sneak their way up and down ancient mansions still standing regardless of the passage of time. There're several examples house-museums all over Coro. Some cases in point are Ventanas de Hierro (Iron Windows), Balcón de los Arcaya (Arcaya's Balcony), Cruz de San Clemente (San Clement's Cross), the latter built out of huisache wood. The Dunes are natural beauties of the region, small paradise-like deserts of soft and dry sands whose opaque colors match against the brightness of its skies. Visitors will be amazed to see the colonial and natural beauty surrounding this city underscored by its top-notch hotels and restaurants.


Las matrículas automovilísticas de Bonaire llevan el eslogan "Paraíso del Buceador", y los submarinistas dicen que es cierto.