
Belmopan, Belize's capital, is located in the middle of the country in the District of Cayo. Its natural charms rank as the prime attraction in this area. Exploration buffs will happen on amazingly beautiful landscapes to enjoy their vacations in full swing. Those main attractions are located in sites declared as natural reserves such as Guanacaste National Park, Blue Hole National Park and St. Herman's Cave, Five Blues Lake National Park. In them, you'll could perform countless activities like walking down into caves, horseback rides, taking a swim in one of its rivers and lakes, or just feast your eyes on an astonishing vegetation inhabited by a great variety of birds and mammals. After a emotion-packed day, lodge in one of our hotels, enjoy their facilities and good service, plus the great food where Creole gourmet is the name of the game. Belmopan is not a city with a bustling nightlife, but you'll surely find a spot to have great fun and sip a refreshing drink.


El cuatro, instrumento de cuatro cuerdas de la familia de la guitarra, fue inventado en Puerto Rico por los colonizadores españoles.