Dominican Rep.

Balaguer and Bosh resign

1991. In 1991, the country’s two major leaders, 85-year-old President Joaquin Balaguer and Juan Bosch, 82, founder of the nation’s two main left-wing parties, officially announced their retirement form the country’s political scene.

Bickering over banana exports

1990The bickering between Saint Lucia and the Dominican Republic over banana exports to the United Kingdom, a traditional and main market staple for the former, is finally worked out.

Worsening of the economic and social situation in the Dominican Republic

1990. Social and economic situation went on to deteriorate in the country. The recession the nation has plunged into back in 1990 was still there. Joblessness accrued, inflation went up while agricultural output and mineral extraction dipped.

The sugar quota shrinks

1985. In 1985, the shrinking of the Dominican sugar quota granted by the United States caused a export depression. Unemployment skyrocketed and let to a new social upheaval.

Presidential elections

1981. New presidential elections were held on May 16, 1981 and Salvador Jorge Blanco was elected president, a win also for the Dominican Revolutionary Party. José Francisco Peña Gómez, one of the Latin American leaders in the International Socialist, was elected mayor of Santo Domingo.
On July 4, exiting president Antonio Guzman’s suicide led to a tense situation eventually worked out with the army’s support to the electoral outcomes.

Francisco Caamaño dies

1973. A nationalist opposition tried out several struggling ways and in 1973 Francisco Caamaño dies as he was leading a guerrilla group.

The Dominican Republic Constitution

1966The current Constitution was officially proclaimed -quite similar to the one enacted in 1844- as the first that ever went into effect on the island nation. Its most basic articles anoint the rights and duties bestowed on the whole citizenship; it guarantees equal application of the law for all citizens; it prevents foreign residents from engaging in political activities.

Civil war and U.S. intervention

1965. In April 1965, a civil war, headed by Colonel Francisco Caamaño Deño. The U.S. intervened once again by dispatching marine troops in May. The popular uprising was crushed by 35,000 invaders in 1965.

Popular uprising and new elections

1963. After the popular rebellion was over, the country’s first-ever democratic elections were held and writer Juan Bosch wound up being the president. Seven months later, another coup toppled Mr. Bosch and put the old trujillistas military officers back in power.

Trujillo’s dictatorship

1930. Once autonomy was recovered, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, then the National Guard’s Chief of Staff, took over power in 1930 and ruled as a dictator, sometimes without a nominal presidency, and fully backed up by the United States.
His many crimes were so heinous that he eventually turned out to be a thorn in Washington’s side and the CIA arranged his assassination in May 1961.