El Salvador

Nationalization of the railroad network

1975. The railroad networks is nationalized

Left-wing guerrillas resurface

1974-1975. Leftist guerrillas resurface and launch terrorist actions in an ambiance of increasing political tensions

Negotiations on a general pacification process

Foreign ministers from Honduras and El Salvador decide to negotiate a general peace treaty.

Demilitarized zone

A 3-km demilitarized zone along the common border of Honduras and El Salvador is established

Borderline conflict known as the War of the 100 Hours

A border rift considered as the War of 100 Hours. El Salvador invaded Honduras on July 14 and the cease-fire was declared on July 18. the OAE managed to put an end to the fighting on both sides. Some 1,100 Salvadorans are kicked out of Honduras. The cruel 100-hour conflict made a dent in the region’s common market as the Salvadoran industry plunged into a crisis.

Military regime headed by Lopez Arellano

1969. A military regime, headed by Lopez Arellano, is established. During his term in office, the so-called Soccer War was launched against El Salvador.

Closing of the first Meeting of Central American Foreign Ministers

The first Extraordinary Conference of Central American Foreign Ministers comes to an end

Military coup

Colonel Portillo heads a coup on January 25 and sets up a civic and military regime

A Central American Common Market is established

The Central American Development and Economic Organization is founded with a view to ease trade and economic integration for the region.

The Organization of Central American States is set up.

The Organization of Central American States is founded in San Salvador