

Near 25% of the labor force in Mexico works in agriculture and a great number of agricultural workers work in the common properties. The land reform that started in 1915, has supposed the redistribution by the government of a considerable amount of land among the ejidos (land workers). The agricultural production is subjected to great variation in the raining season in a country which is considered semi arid. However, the irrigation projects have increased the value of low cultivation land. And to the conservation of soils which has increased the production.


.The most important exports correspond to the natural gas raw petroleum, automobiles cotton, sugar, tomato, coffee, shrimps, zinc, textile, clothing, silver and motors.


Annual growth: -1.20% (1985-94). Comsumer's Price Index: 100 in 1990; 112.5 in 1994. Daily Calorie Intake: 103.2% of required ammount (1988-90).


The major imports of the country include transportation equipment, telecommunication devices, chemical products, petroleum and its byproducts, agricultural material iron and steel,


The Mexican industry is among the most developed in Latin America. Intensive work plants are built in which imported parts are assembled and converted into items for export. The main industrial plants in Mexico involve machinery and electronic building, refineries, melting industries, food packing, paper and cotton production, tobacco processing plants, sugar mills, Other industrial products are textile, iron, chemicals, steel, beverages, fertilizers, cement. Glass. Ceramics, and leather articles.


En el segundo trimestre de 2001 el PIB de México superó los cinco billones. El PIB per cápita es de 57 mil pesos al año. En el contexto internacional, el PIB de México es el segundo de América Latina, superado por el brasileño y entre los países de la OCDE ocupa el noveno lugar.


The most important fishing spots are located around the coast of Baja California, followed by the ones in the Golf of Mexico and the Pacific Coast from the state of Jalisco to the State of Chiapas. The fishing industry is sponsored by cooperated societies that are concessionary monopolies of some products. The main species fished are tuna, sea bass, dogfish sardine, anchovy and sawfish, catfish, fiddler crab, braise, Wahoo, black mackerel, mackerel, bass and river-fish. Among the shellfish outstand the lobster, crab, and shrimps the latter being extracted in front of the Campeche, Sinaloa coasts and it is exported mainly to the USA. The mollusks that are mainly captured are the oyster, clam, snails and octopus. It is also important the fishing of some river fish species. ,

Main Branches

Among the main economical sectors there are the agriculture, silviculture, fishing, zootechnics, mining, the siderurgical industry, petrochemical, textile, and food industries.


The railroad system in Mexico, which is nationalized, covers 26.613 km of railroads. The length of the road net is 52.000 km (1996), from which 37% are paved. Various highways cross the country among them four main routes that go from the USA border to the capital of the Mexican republic. that form part of the net of the Pan-American road. The airline services have been developed intensively and the country has more than, 1.700 airports and landing fields. The main airways are Aero Mexico and Mexicana de Aviacion. The merchant fleet of the country is made up of 624 ships for a registered capacity of 1.083.432 rough tons.

Commercial Treaties

*Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (Canadá-Estados Unidos-México) *Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Bolivia *Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Costa Rica *Tratado de Libre Comercio del Grupo de los Tres (Colombia-Venezuela-México) *Acuerdo con la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI) Venezuela-Bolivia-Costa Rica-Brasil-Argentina-Uruguay-Paraguay-Perú-Ecuador. *Acuerdo de Complementación Económica México-Chile. *Tratado de Libre Comercio con el Triángulo del Norte Guatemala-Honduras-El Salvador *Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Nicaragua *Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Israel *Tratado de libre comercio México-Unión Europea *Tratado de Libre Comercio México-Países de la EFTA *Asociación Europea de Libre Comercio