

Honduras, as any other country colonized by the Spanish Crown, used Spain’s heraldic shields. However, with the coming of the independence, these shields were abolished. As proposed by Don Dionisio de Herrera as Head of State in Honduras, the creation of a national coat of arms was established on October 3, 1825. This coat of arms stands for the country’s history and the variety of natural resources that must be protected and preserved in the nation.The sovereign National Congress, in its Decree 16, article 142, considers the coat of arms as a national symbol for all purposes in a clear and general way.The arrows in the coat of arms stand for the country’s history and the national desire to repel any aggressor. The oval represents the independence day, September 15, and the words “Republic of Honduras, free, sovereign and independent,” can be read.The triangle symbolizes equality under the law, while the trees stand for country’s abundant forests. The mountains indicate the nation’s rugged landscape and its varied climate. The tools –hammers- symbolize the constant hardworking and endless effort for the nation’s progress and grandness.The mine gates stand for national richness. Agricultural wealth is depicted through flowers and fruits, showing off tomatoes, bananas, pineapples, roses and daisies. The rising sun is the beauty that shines over Honduras, while the waves symbolize both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

National Anthem

Chorus: Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo por un bloque de nieve cruzado; y se ven en su fondo sagrado cinco estrellas de pálido azul; en tu emblema, que un mar rumoroso. Con sus ondas bravías escuda, de un volcán tras la cima desnuda, hay un astro de nítida luz.-I-India Virgen y hermosa dormías de tus mares al canto sonorocuando echada en tus cuencas de oroel audaz navegante te halló; y al mirar tu belleza extasiado, al influjo ideal de tu encantola orla azul de tu espléndido mantocon un beso de amor consagró.-II-De un país donde el sol se levanta, más allá del atlante azulado, aquel hombre te había soñadoy en tu busca a la mar se lanzó.Cuando erguiste la pálida frente, en la viva ansiedad de tu anhelo, bajo el dombo gentil de tu cielo,ya flotaba un extraño pendón.-III-Era inútil que el indio tu amado, se aprestara a la lucha con ira,porque envuelto en su sangre Lempiraen la noche profunda se hundió.Y de la épica hazaña, en memoria, la leyenda tan solo ha guardadode un Sepulcro el lugar ignorado y el severo perfil de un peñón.-IV-Por tres siglos tus hijos oyeron el mandato imperioso del amo,por tres siglos tu inútil reclamoen la atmósfera azul se perdió.Pero un di de gloria tu oídoPercibió, poderoso y distante,Que allá lejos, por sobre el AtlanteIndignado rugía un león.-V- Era Francia, la libre, la heroica, que en su sueño de siglos dormida,despertaba iracunda a la vidaal reclama viril de Datón.Era Francia que enviaba a la muertela cabeza del rey consagradoy que alzaba soberbia a su ladoEl altar de la Diosa Razón.-VI-Tú también, Oh mi Patria! Te alzaste de tu sueño servil y profundo;tú también enseñaste al mundodestrozando el infame eslabón.Y de tu celo bendito, tras la altacabellera del monte salvajecomo un ave de negro plumaje, la colonia fugaz se perdió.-VII-Por guardar ese emblema divino marcharemos, ¡Oh Patria! A la muerte,generosa será nuestra suerte,si morimos pensando en tu amor.Defendiendo tu santa bandera,y en tus pliegues gloriosos cubiertos, serán muchos, Honduras, tus muertos,pero todos caerán con honor.Chorus:Tu bandera es un lampo de cielopor un bloque de nieve cruzado;Y se ven en su fondo sagradocinco estrellas de pálido azúl; en tu emblema, que un mar rumorosocon sus ondas bravías escuda,de un volcán tras la cima desnuda,hay un astro de nítida luz.Since its independence until the year 1915, Honduras didn’t have a national anthem properly authorized, yet for a number of years people sang a patriotic chant entitled La Granadera. As specially recommended by then Constitutional President General Manuel Bonilla, Honduran poet Don Augusto C. Coello wrote the lyrics for today’s anthem, while the music score was composed by songwriter Don Carlos Hartling, as also appointed by former General Bonilla. Mr. Hartling, a German-born composer, was at the time the leader of the Supreme Powers Band. Poet Augusto C. Coello was inspired in 1903 as he wrote "A Song for my Homeland” that eventually turned out to be the national anthem. His inspiration came down to him for two special reasons: 1. Until then, nobody had ever written a patriotic poem about the Honduran homeland since the times of the discovery. 2. As a poet, he wanted to a have a contribution of his own to the culture of his homeland. On November 13, 1915, under Decree 42, the President of the Republic, Doctor Alberto Menbreño, officially brought the national anthem to life as the then Minister of Education was no other than Doctor Romulo E. Durón, who ruled the national anthem be sung only in special acts from 1917 on. The national anthem was sung for the first time ever on September 15, 1904 by the female alumni of the Guadalupe Reyes de Tegucigalpa Normal School and led by professor Carlos Hartling. The anthem was once again sung in a meeting of Central American presidents held at Amapala, ending up then in use for the rest of official receptions and national celebrations.

National Flora

The Orchid (brassavola digbiana). For quite a long time, the rose was Honduras’ national flower from 1946 to 1969. However, given the fact that the rose does not hail from Honduras, Legislative Decree 17 dated January 12, 1946, was overridden.Taking into account that the orchid is an autochthonous flower from Honduras with exceptional features as far as beauty, vigor and distinction are concerned, it was eventually declared the country’s national flower. At the same time, all regulations were arranged as to the flower’s preservation. From that moment on, only the State could determine its growing grounds, marketing and scientific recognition.

National Tree

The Pine (pinus oocarpa). Agreement number 429, dated May 14, 1926, determined that all riches within the boundaries of the national territory are in all forms part of the national treasure and called for the government to take action for their preservation, conservation and improvement.Taking account of the fact that the pine represents a species of the country’s national flora is abundant everywhere in Honduras and its byproducts and fruits can be used and applied in many ways.The protection of all trees, especially pines, represents therefore a necessary action that must be implemented and construed by all national citizens.Those were the reasons behind the declaration of this particular plant as the national tree.

National Animal

The white-tail deer (odocoileus virginianus).The white-tail deer, according to Executive Decree 36-93, dated June 28, 1993, is Honduras’ national mammal and the symbol of the national wildlife. This animal species lives in plains and mountainous regions rich in pine vegetation. It’s a lonesome roamer that lives in herds, though. This ruminating mammal weighs an average 35 to 40 kilos and its height is approximately 73 centimeters high and 140 centimeters long. It feeds on leaves, grass, breeds, mosses and even fruits. Bucks sport antlers that fall off their heads every year, their sense of smell is acute and they’re excellet swimmers. Their natural predators are the jaguar, the puma and men. Red Parrot: The red parrot has been chosen as the national bird according to Executive Decree 36-93, dated June 28, 1993 by the sovereign National Congress of Honduras. This parrot species feeds on nectar, roots, fruits, nuts and cereals. It lives from Mexico all the way down to Bolivia.This bird has the same features of a common parrot, yet its feathers sport motley colors such as yellow, red and blue. Its tail is pretty long and attractive. It lives in Honduras’ jungle regions, especially in the Mosquitia. Its approximate age hovers around 30 years, it never nestles for it uses holes in tree trunks. It lays eggs every 28 days and they make knit-tight couples for life. There are two species of red parrot in Honduras: the red parrot (ara macao) and the green parrot (ara ambigua). In Honduras, female red parrots are also called guamacayas or lapas.


Lempira- Indigenous Hero : He was native from Maya-Lenca, since he was young he showed his courage probing it in several occasions, he strongly loved his race, land, laws and customs. He inspired respet within his people. Lempira fought in order to defend his people from slavery that spanish had stablished, and to avoid losing his freedon and customs. This warrior urged his people to fight in order to defend their ideas and to avoid been humilliated by some colonizers, having some many brave warriors. Spanish, upon realizing the indigen uprising, began their attack, the war last six months. Lempira was betrayed and murdered, but his death wasn´t in vain, because this indigen lives in the outraged people who rejects all foreing presence against the National Sovereignty. Don Dionisio de Herrera: He was born in Choluteca city in october, 9, 1781. He was sent to study at San Carlos college in Guatemala; he was a great sympathizer of French Revolution and he was in favor of the Independence of Central America. In 1820 he was Secretary of Council. On september, 28, 1821 the Documents of Independence were received; the minute was written by Don Dionisio de Herrera, that´s why Tegucigalpa´s Village received the title of city on december, 11, 1821. On september, 16, 1824, Herrera took possesion of the honduran goverment becoming into the first Chief of State and been Vice Chief José Justo Milla. Don Dionisio de Herrera as governor declared the first territorial division of Honduras into seven departaments: Comayagua, Tegucigalpa, Santa Bárbara, Yoro, Olancho y Choluteca; he also declared the first coat of arms and the first constitution. Herrera´s goverment was withrow on may, 19, 1827 under the command of Coronel Milla. Herrera was imprisioned in Guatemala (Capital of Central America) and he was named Chief of State of Nicaragua by the Gral. Francisco Morazán in 1830. Don Dionisio de Herrera died on june, 13, 1850, in San Vicente, El Salvador, where he lived his last years dedicated to teaching. Gral. Francisco Morazán: He was born in Tegucigalpa, on october, 3, 1792, his first position was as general secretary of Don Dionisio de Herrera´s goverment in 1826. Years later, his elected President of the Confederated Republic of Central America, position he carried out from 1830 to 1838. Francisco Morazán had political ideas in commun with Simón Bolívar, consisted in creating a unique republic, a single Nation: Federal Republic of Central America. He organized an army and fought against Gral. Justo Milla totally defeating him. With that very army he was proclaimed Chief of State in Comayagua´s city. In 1834, he went to the capital of Central America, San Salvador, where he announceed democratic laws and his work as governor was pretty good. He was executed by firing squad in San Jose´s city, in Costa Rica, on september, 15, 1842. José Trinidad Reyes: He was born in Tegucigalpa, on june, 11, 1797. He learned the first letters in a private school, with latin and music. When he was 18 years old he went to León, Nicaragua, where he continued his college studies, he got graduated there in philosophy , theology and canonic rights. He was ordered as Priest in 1822. In 1830 he made incursions into politic, through wich he defends the church interests. In literature, José Trinidad Reyes, succesfuly composed pastorelas and short poetic compositions about country and christmas topics. In culture, he founded a center of superior studies, called "The Society of the Good Taste and Enterprising Genious", and wich started working in 1845, it would later become into the National Autonomous University of Honduras. He also founded that university´s library, wich carries his name. He died on september, 20, 1855. Gral. José Trinidad Cabañas: He was born in Tegucigalpa´s Village, on june, 9, 1805, he entered into the school tridentino, where he studied latin grammar, theology and philosophy . He entered into the army under the command of Gral. Morazán. Cabañas carried out great heroic deeds due to his bravery in the field of war, one of the more famous battles was Espíritu Santo´s, in El Salvador, on april, 6, 1839. After Morazan´s death, Gral. Cabañas returned to El Salvador where he lived several years. Been there, he was told that his country´s National Congress, had proclaimed him president of Honduras. He assumed the position on march, 1, 1852, during his term of office he carried out important works such as fomenting the public instrution, agriculture and minning. He was rewarded with the title "Soldier of Homeland". El Salvador´s Republic gave his name to one of its departaments, in tribute to his honesty , patriotism and bravery. He died on january, 8, 1871, when he was 65 years old, in Comayagua´s city. José Cecilio Valle: He was born in Choluteca, Honduras, on november, 22, 1780. Son of José Antonio del Valle, linajudo, from the finnest families of the peninsula and he died in 1831. He studied Philosophy, Civil and Cannonical Rights at San Carlos´s University, where he got the title of Lawyer. He continued his studies on Languages, Philosophy, Right, Economics, Nature Sciences, Politics, Finances, History, Geography, Mathematics. However, the knowlegdes acquired weren´t exempt of the influence of Sholastic and reverential submissiveness to the colony. His resercher spirit penetrated the estrados of knowledge and his powerful intelligence took him to crystallize the teaching, thought and science. He wrote on Mathematics, Philosophy, Languages, Economics, Politics, Rights, Sociology, Statistical, Geography, Botanic History, Mineralogy, Religion. He was a writer and journalist, thinker and philosopher, economist and sociologist, jurist and scientist, prophet, and pragmatism .