FITUR 2022 will be held in January


FITUR will be held from January 19th to 23rd, 2022, as confirmed by the event's director, María Valcarce last Tuesday, in a conversation with Caribbean News Digital editor José Carlos de Santiago.

Can you confirm that FITUR will be held next January 19th-23rd, as planned?
Indeed, FITUR 2022 will be held in Madrid in January, from the 19th to the 23rd; we have established rigorous health protocols that will ensure that FITUR will be a safe space for exhibitors and visitors, where we can generate numerous business contacts and thus maintain this event that contributes so much to the dynamization of the tourism industry.

How many countries have confirmed their presence?
In terms of official representations we currently have 72 countries confirmed. 15 from Africa, 19 from the Americas, 13 from Asia-Pacific, 21 from Europe and 4 from the Middle East.
In addition, we will have international companies from other origins, so we expect to have around 100 countries represented through their companies.

How many of them are from Latin America and the Caribbean?
At the moment we have the following countries from the Americas confirmed: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico and Nicaragua, as well as Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
As you know, Ibero-America is an essential area at FITUR and very well represented at the fair in all its editions, and this year 2022 it will be so again. In addition, the Dominican Republic is the FITUR partner for 2022 and it will surprise us with a splendid stand and a spectacular display of its rich and varied tourism offerings.

How many square meters of exhibition space will be occupied?
We have 8 pavilions occupied, which in round numbers would be about 130,000 square meters total and a net of stands and rooms in pavilions of about 60,000 square meters.

How many halls?
We occupy pavilions 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of the IFEMA MADRID Exhibition Center, all of which are located on both sides of our central avenue, which are 8 pavilions.

Will the Exceltur forum be held in parallel on the 18th?
Yes, EXCELTUR's Tourism Leadership Forum will be held on the Tuesday prior to the opening of the fair, January 18th, under the title "Rethinking Tourism Post Covid: New Challenges, New Perspectives".

Yes, indeed this year we will also have the XXV Edition of CIMET; an important anniversary of this Ibero-American Conference of Tourism Ministers and Companies, which is traditionally held on the eve of FITUR.

What health security measures will Fitur have in place for this edition?
We will have a rigorous deployment of security measures, capacity and temperature control. We have technologies for counting people, analyzing spaces and attendee behavior that will allow us to monitor flows and ensure that there are no crowds. We will ask for the EU COVID Digital Certificate to the citizens of countries attached to this system and to the citizens of third countries we will ask for the same requirement that Spain requires at the border, requesting the QR Spain Health.
It will also be mandatory to wear a mask inside the facilities and there will be hydroalcoholic gel dispensers throughout the fair, we will be using digital passes, etc. On the other hand, I like to highlight that the IFEMA MADRID facilities are equipped with an advanced ventilation system that guarantees complete air renewal every 20 minutes, and this is an essential factor to avoid the spread of pathogens.

Source: Caribbean News DIgital


In Guatemala is located an archaeological assembly formed by the ruins of Tikal, that was one of the most important centers of the first period of the first Mayan empire (320 to 987 dC).