Antigua & Barbuda

Lomé Convention

The 4th Lome Convention is the most important North-South cooperation treaty or agreement at world level between the most developed coutries with the least developed. Under this treaty, different forms of cooperation are operating, both economic and technological on the part of the countries that make up the European Union toward the ACP countries (Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific). The name of the Convention is taken from the city where the solemn ceremony took place regarding the conclusion of this agreement comprising its first version: Lomé, the capital of the African Republic of Togo.The cooperation and programs that are developed under Lomé Convention 4th, are defined in the text of the very Convention. The main areas of cooperation for development are: environment, agriculatural cooperation, food security and rural development, fishing sector, energetic development, enterprise development, service development, trade development, cultural and social cooperation and regional cooperation.

Organization for Education, Science and Culture of the United Nations "UNESCO," Enciclopedia Microsoft® Encarta® 2000. © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

UNESCO, a body integrated to the Organization of the United Nations (ONU), was set up in 1946 to promote world peace through culture, communication, education, natural sciences and social sciences. UNESCO main decisive organ is its General Assembly, made up by representatives of 181 member States. The General Assembly elects members of the executive committee and appoints the general director. The executive committee is made up by representatives of 51 member States and gathers twice a year, in between the meetings held by the general assembly, to supervise the implementation of UNESCO biannual policies. These policies are implemented by the Secretariat, headed by the general director. Mexico and Dominican Republic are the first Latin-American countries to form part of UNESCO and signed the constitution deed in 1946. The first general conference was held in Paris, but the second one took place in Mexico, November 1947. UNESCO’s first general director was the British biologist Julian Sorell Huxley (1946-1948).UNESCO’s main priorities are to provide education for all, to establish a culture of peace through education, to promote free circulation of information among countries and freedom of the press and to protect the natural and cultural heritage and thus defend the expression of cultural identities.The prioritized topics are education, development, urbanization, population, youth, human rights, women equality, democracy and peace. UNESCO’s policies referring to society and social sciences give priorities to the problems of the youth which are the first victims of unemployment, economic and social inequalities and those of the increasing gap among the developing countries and developed countries, but the second one took place in Mexico, November 1947. UNESCO’s first general director was the British biologist Julian Sorell Huxley (1946-1948).UNESCO’s main priorities are to provide education for all, to establish a culture of peace through education, to promote free circulation of information among countries and freedom of the press and to protect the natural and cultural heritage and thus defend the expression of cultural identities.The prioritized topics are education, development, urbanization, population, youth, human rights, women equality, democracy and peace. UNESCO’s policies of society and social sciences give priorities to the problems of the youth which are the first victims of unemployment, economic and social unequalities and that of increasing gap among the developing countries and developed countries.

Organization of American States

The principles guiding OAS are those of regional cooperation which dates back the 19th century.April 30, 1948, over 50 years ago, 21 nations of the hemisphere joined in Bogota, Colombia to adopt the Charter of the Organization of American States (OAS) with which they confirm their support to common topics and the respect to sovereignty in each country, since then OAS has expanded, thus including the nations of the Caribbean and also Canada.The nations of the Americas are working closer than ever, progressing in mutual agreement with the strengthening of democracy, protection of human rights, promotion of peace and security, trade fostering and the struggle against the complex problems caused by poverty, drug traffic and corruption. Together building a future for the next generation.

United Nations Organization

On October 24, 1945, 51 countries determined to preserve peace through the international cooperation and collective security of almost all the nations of the world established the United Nations, as a total, 188 countries.When the States become United Nations members, agree to accept the obligations of the United Nations Charter which is an international treaty where fundamental principles on foreign relations matters are set forth. In conformity with the United Nations Charter, this Organization has four aims, to keep international peace and security, to foster friendship relations amon nations, establish international cooperation in the solutions of international cooperation and in the development and encouragement of human rights and thus serving as a center that harmonizes the efforts of the nations.The United Nations Organization is a center to give solutions to the problems faced by mankind. Plus over 30 affiliated nations known as a whole as the system of the Inited Nations, collaborate in this effort. Day fter day, the United Nations and their system of organizations work so as to promote the respect toward the human rights, to protect the environment, to struggle against diseases, to foment development and reduce poverty. The bodies of the United Nations determine the standards of security, efficiency of air and maritime transportation, thus contributing to improve telecommunications and the protection to consumers, thus ensuring the respect to the intellectual ownership and coordinate radio frequencies. The United Nations also heads international campaigns against drug traficking and terrorism.The Organization of the United Nations and its organizations extend assistance to refugees and establish programs in the whole world for the elimination of mines in the minefields, contributes to improve the quality of drinking water and to raise the food production, provides loans to developing countries and help to stabilize the financial markets