Antigua & Barbuda

European Union

European Union (EU), a supranational organization in Europe, dedicated to raise the economic and political integration and aimed at reinforcing cooperation among member states. The European Union was born on November 1, 1993, a date when the Treaty of the European Union or Maastricht Treaty was put into force and ratified a month before by 12 members of the European Community (EC).With the Treaty of the European Union, the European citizenship was granted to the citizens of each member State. Customs agreements were intensified and those on immigration with the aim of allowing European citizens more freedom in their lives, work and studies in any member state. Border controls were relaxed. A goal was set of circulating a single currency in Europe for 1999.

European Union

European Union (EU), a supranational organization in Europe, dedicated to raise the economic and political integration and aimed at reinforcing cooperation among member states. The European Union was born on November 1, 1993, a date when the Treaty of the European Union or Maastricht Treaty was put into force and ratified a month before by 12 members of the European Community (EC).With the Treaty of the European Union, the European citizenship was granted to the citizens of each member State. Customs agreements were intensified and those on immigration with the aim of allowing European citizens more freedom in their lives, work and studies in any member state. Border controls were relaxed. A goal was set of circulating a single currency in Europe for 1999.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO was founded in October 1945 with the objective of raising the nutritional levels and quality life and also of improving agricultural productivity and the situation of the rural population.At present FAO, made up by 180 member States, in addition to CE a member organization, has over 4,300 officials all over the world.The Organization provides a direct assistance for development, gather, reviews and analyze information, furnishes government with assessment on policies and planning and serves as an international forum for the debate on topics related to agriculture and food.FAO actively participates in the fostering of lands and waters, vegetal production, forestry, fishing, economic and social policy, investment, nutrition, food standards, goods and trade. Another of its main functions is to face urgent situations regarding food and agricultural problems as draught, pests, insects and the like.A concrete priority of the Organization is the fostering of the sustainable agricultural and rural development, a strategy at a long run for the conservation and ordering of the natural resources. Its aim is to satisfy the needs of the present and future generations through programs that do not damage the environment and that can be technically appropiate, economically viable and socially accepted.

International Criminal Police Organization

On June 13, 1956, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) replaced the International Criminal Police Commission founded in 1923. This organization serves as an information and database center on criminal activities used by law enforcement agencies from 177 countries. Each member nation relies on a national office that receives information from the INTERPOL and dole it out among its local offices and agencies nationwide. INTERPOL keeps a close eye on drug smuggling and money laundering operations. Shortly after World War II, INTERPOL was directly run by the Nazi Party and that situation remained so through the entire war . In 1938, its headquarters were moved from Vienna (Austria) to Berlin (Germany). Today, the headquarters are in Lyon, France

Lomé Convention

The 4th Lome Convention is the most important North-South cooperation treaty or agreement at world level between the most developed coutries with the least developed. Under this treaty, different forms of cooperation are operating, both economic and technological on the part of the countries that make up the European Union toward the ACP countries (Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific). The name of the Convention is taken from the city where the solemn ceremony took place regarding the conclusion of this agreement comprising its first version: Lomé, the capital of the African Republic of Togo.The cooperation and programs that are developed under Lomé Convention 4th, are defined in the text of the very Convention. The main areas of cooperation for development are: environment, agriculatural cooperation, food security and rural development, fishing sector, energetic development, enterprise development, service development, trade development, cultural and social cooperation and regional cooperation.