Ki and Kua

Ki and KuaChinese astrology, geomancy, numerology and I Ching are used in the Ki and the Kua to look into the particular movements of people’s energy, in terms of space and time, to obtain information about their movement potentials, in order to discover the possible abilities they could benefit from, or find out the difficulties they will have to consider account when putting into practice such abilities.

This knowledge and techniques are very complex for which specialized studies are required. We will introduce them here in a simple and brief way as they are part of the Feng Shui culture and anyone interested in this discipline should know about them. The ancient Chinese used to calculate the influences and interrelations of energy fields of the earth and the sky, through the space and time, and they used to express it numerically.

Perhaps one of the most ancient forms of astrology and numerology is the Nine Star Ki widely used in Feng Shui, where the universe can be considered as a spectacular and rhythmic dance of energies, in which every element that conforms that universe expresses has its own singular way of dancing, or moving, in relation to the rest of the dancing elements and in the evolution of the whole.

The universe is reproduced in micro-universes; therefore, this principle can be applied to our environments so that our home can be conceived as a universe in a smaller scale that dances in its own way within the magnificent global show.

Feng Shui uses these branches of Chinese knowledge and culture to assess the most favorable places and moments so that the dance of a resident becomes more harmonic and fluent. Some schools turn to astrology to choose the date for important events.

Many Chinese people will not move, get married, settle a deal, open a business or go on a trip without knowing first which are the most favorable dates of beneficial convergence of the universe’s energies, and their own, without seeing an astrologist, checking the I Ching or listen to a Feng Shui expert, because in the art of selecting a successful date and the suitability of a house, there are many rules and taboos so that in-depth knowledge not only of Feng Shui, but also of eastern philosophy and Chinese culture in general is essential.

The Ki or Nine Star system, being a profound numerology system of interpretation and divination of the changes between the sky and the earth, and a reading and interpretation method of the kind of energy prevailing in a given moment, allows us to obtain the personal or individual Ki that helps us achieve maximum harmony with the surrounding environment in a personalized way, as well as to better understand our way of moving within the group we are part of.

The Kua system is based in calculating the Kua number using the person’s birth date to obtain a base number that is interpreted in the Magic Square or in the Bagua Map. The main difference from the Ki system, is that the method to find out the Kua number establishes different mathematic formulas for women and men, based on the fact that men are yang and women are yin; however, it is widely known that both men and women have yang and yin, because both polarities are present in the whole human being, and the balance between them make us complete and harmonized human beings.

These data are used to create personalized charts or records similar to astral charts and horoscopes that circulate nowadays in media publications and offered by specialists to those interested.


The annual Carriacou regatta, in August, also features Africa-inspired big drum dancing.