Costa Rica

Oscar Arias is elected president

Oscar Arias is elected president of the country on February 2

Trade embargo on Cuba is lifted

An OAE meeting held in Costa Rica on July 29 calls for lifting the trade embargo on Cuba

Jose Figueres wins back the presidency

Jose Figueres wins back the presidency

Closing of the first Meeting of Central American Foreign Ministers

The first Extraordinary Conference of Central American Foreign Ministers comes to an end

Far-rightist organization Free Costa Rica is dissolved

President Francisco Orlich orders the dissolution of far-right organization Free Costa Risca

A Central American Common Market is established

The Central American Development and Economic Organization is founded with a view to ease trade and economic integration for the region.

An invasion is brewed from Nicaragua

Former President Calderon Guardia prepares an invasion from Nicaragua. The OAE meddles to do away with the conflict

Jose Figueres is elected president

Jose Figueres is elected president

The Organization of Central American States is set up.

The Organization of Central American States is founded in San Salvador

Caribbean’ revolutionary forces are mobilized

The Caribbean Legion mobilizes revolutionary forces from Cuba, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Spanish republicans to sail on an anti-Trujillo expedition. Today’s constitution was proclaimed on November 7, 1949.