

Dominica has fertile soils of volcanic origin that provide a good basis for farming, which is the main economic activity. The Island’s main economic resources are agricultural products (bananas, citrus fruit, coconut, cocoa, vanilla, copra). Also noteworthy is fishing and the pumice stone quarrying.


La economía de Dominica ha estado sostenida por pilares con la producción y exportación de bananas a través de los años. Los suelos fértiles favorecen la agricultura, y se cultivan cítricos, cocos, cacao, canela, granos de vainilla, bananas y verduras. La industria se basa en el procesado de estos productos agrícolas, obteniendo jugos de frutas, bebidas alcohólicas, jabón y aceite esencial, que constituyen las principales exportaciones. Cobra importancia la piedra pómez que es extraída y exportada.


Density: 111,7 h / km². Birth rate: 26% (1991). Mortality rate: 5% (1991). Children per woman: 2.5 (1992). Calorie consumption: 105% of required amount(1988-1990). Income per capita: U.S. $1,670 (1999).


Banana trees, coconut products, base for soap of washing and bathroom soap. The pumice stone is extracted and exported.


The industry is just confined to to the processing of agricultural products like, fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, soap and ethereal oil.


In 1990 the gross domestic product (GDP) was estimated at $160 million, for an income per capita of some U.S.$1,940. Gross Domestic Product: U.S.$136 million (1999).

Main Branches

The most important agricultural products are: bananas, citrus fruit, coconut, cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla beans, and vegetables.


Arrival on the Island is mainly by plane. There are buses that travel around all cities. Taxis are also available.

Commercial Treaties

Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). Association of Caribbean States. Free Trade and Preferential Trading Agreement.Economic Complementarity Agreement (ACE) Partial Agreement (LAIA).