
Brazilian Cabbage Soup
125g of sausages,40g of Spanish sausage cut in thin slices,1 onion thinly sliced ,1 stalk of celery,800cc of chicken broth,800cc of water,2 cloves of garlic,225g of cabbage leaves without stalks and thinly sliced,350g de sliced potatoes cut in halves,salt, pepper and Worchester sauce,1 ½ cup of cooked peas or beans
Peel off the sausages and rip them off to pieces. Let the sausages take a slow burn in a lidded pot. As you stir the content for a few minutes, add the Spanish sausages and cook until grease starts trickling down. Remove the sausage and the Spanish sausage and rub them with drying paper. Save just teaspoon of grease and dispose of the rest. Put the celery and the onion in the pot and cook at a slow burn, stirring the mixture every now and then until the onion turns transparent. Then add the sausage, the Spanish sausage, the broth, the water, the garlic and the cabbage leaves. Cook for approximately 10 minutes. Add then potatoes, the Worchester sauce and the salt, and put the lid back on, letting it take a slow burn until the potatoes are tender. Finally, cook until the soup is piping hot.

Brazilian Fish Salad
½ cup of mushrooms,½ cup of parsley,225 g. (1/2 lb.) of fish fillets,57 g. (2 oz) of butter,1 cup of white wine,2 cups of mayonnaise,½ cup de sour cream,2 lettuces,1 cup of boiled kidney beans,2 tomatoes ,2 hard-boiled eggs
Grease the bottom of a baking pan with butter and sprinkle the mushrooms thinly sliced and the parsley. Put the fillets on top of that, pour some wine and bake at 163 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes. Let it cool and pour the content in a bowl. Mix the mayonnaise and the cream to make a dressing. Put the already washed and rinsed lettuce leaves in a tray. Arrange the fish and the mushrooms on top of them and put the kidney beans all over. Sprinkle the dressing on top –some fish sauce had been previously added to the dressing. Decorate the plate with the tomatoes and eggs both cut in slices. Serve and accompany with white wine, toasts and butter.

Brazilian Rice
3 cups of rice,1 cube of concentrated chicken broth,1 teaspoon of curry,2 grated carrots,½ cup of raisins, ½ cup of sliced nuts,2 teaspoons of sliced parsley,2 teaspoons of sliced celery,salt,2 tablespoons of cooking oil
Mix three cups of water, the cube, curry, salt, cooking oil and the rice. When the rice is about done, add the grated carrots. When the whole mixture is well cooked, the raisins, nuts, parsley and celery are added.