Dominican Rep.

Women's International Day

Women's International Day has been observed since over eight years ago. Women and men who advocate for the cause of women, celebrate worldwide her efforts and devotion in reaching equality, justice, peace and development. Beyond national frontiers, and ethnic differences, language barriers, as well as cultural, economic and political gaps, women for all over the world observe this day and iterate the conscious thought behind the fact that they are entitled no only to half the obligations, but also to their rights, too. Women's International Day was declared in 1910 by Clara Zetkin, a German member of the International Trade Union of Seamstresses, during the International Congress of Coppehague’s Socialist Women in Denmark. The commemoration was singled out to pay tribute to a group of women who bravely seized control of a New York City's textile factory in 1857 to demand equal wages and a 10-hour working day.The owners' reply to this demand was to set the seized factory on fire. 129 female workers died.The United Nations, as a major world forum and international arena, applauded the celebration of Women's Day in many other countries. By passing Resolution 32/142, all nations were summoned to set aside, according to their own traditions and national customs, one day of the year to observe the United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.


On this day, people observe the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Redeemer of the World, the Son of the Virgin Mary, born in Bethlehem, giving out peace and love as His most coveted gifts. During Christmas' Eve, a dinner among family members or friends takes place, where everybody hopefully waits for the December 25 Holiday. This is an ideal date to remember the teachings of this sublime Teacher of Love and Compassion, and compare this all with our way of living. Thus, we will be able to set up a standard to follow in our daily lives, in harmony with the lessons learned this way, and so make a contribution for the strengthening of human values in our society.

New Year

It's equally celebrated in all Latin American and Caribbean nations. Some of these countries, aware of the importance of their respective people’s actions for achieving a common goal, have inserted in their own cultures the tradition of the new goals to be attained during the New Year. By and large, this usually happens in a casual meeting linked to this particular celebration (New Year's Eve dinner, or the first meeting of family members and friends on the New Year’s very first day. Tradition goes that people in that family reunion must tell one another their wishes for the New Year as a way of sharing opinions.When the clock ticks by closer and closer to midnight, some people like eating grapes over each and every toll of the bells, just for the sake of good luck. Then, right at that moment, people hug one another; lovers wait for the occasion to kiss each other the Old Year away; drivers honks their cars and fireworks light up the night everywhere. A few minutes later, some begin to dine their traditional dishes saved for that special occasion; other toast; some others dance or hit the streets to party the night away.

International Workers' Day

It's already been 111 years since this date was first observed worldwide in due tribute to the longstanding battle of the working people for their demands.The commemoration was first held in Paris to honor the memory of the Chicago Martyrs, a bunch of workers that was dragged to the gallows, charged with demanding an 8-hour working day.In the mid 19th Century, retellers of that moment say, both in Europe and in America, in the emerging industrial factories, workers were forced to accept 12-to-14-hour working days, six days a week, even for children and women in toilsome jobs amid a poisoning and unhealthy environment. European immigrants coming to America in search of a better life, only managed to shake the dregs of the old feudal system off their backs in return for the ferocious appetite of a fledgling Capitalism that was dramatically profiting from the increase of the day’s working hours. Poor British immigrants were the first ever to spread social unrest among their brethren, and they brought to America the struggle they had started back in England for the 8-hour working day.

Independence Day

On February 4, 1974, France's National Convention ratified a decree abolishing slavery in La Española. After the 1799 coup d'etat, Napoleon sent a colossal military expedition to win back the old colony and put slavery back in place. L'Ouverture replied with a generalized-armed rebellion. He was arrested and banished to France where he eventually died in 1803.Jean-Jacques Dessalines, with the help of Henri Christophe and dark-skinned Alexandre Pétion, picked up he struggle for the independence and radicalized L'Ouverture's legacy. They achieved unity between Blacks and dark-skinned people, and after a range of epic campaigns, they forced French troops to give in. Independence was proclaimed on November 28, 1803. Thus, Haiti became the Americas' first-ever independent State.

Independence Day

During both the 16th and 17th Centuries, France seized the island’s Spanish-ruled zone on several occasions until its total annexation in 1795. The current territory of the Dominican Republic went back into Spanish hands in 1805, though its independence was not proclaimed until 1821.Between 1822 and 1844, its territory was occupied by Haiti. On February 27, 1844, revolutionaries Juan Pablo Duarte y Diez, Ramón Mella and Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, declared the country’s second and definitive independence and called the nation “Dominican Republic.”

The Three Magi Day

For centuries, children have observed the Three Magi Day very much the same way like their grandparents did in the past. Every January 6 just before dawn, children wake up early in the morning looking for toys and gifts brought to them by the Magi. Emotions run high for all kids who have surely caught very little sleep and eavesdrop every bit of whisper, noise or sound, assuming it's the clanking of the camels reins and garners, just like in the story about the coming of the Three Magi.The next morning, the whole country is brimming with joyful and happy children brandishing their brand-new toys. This day cannot be any happier. Late at night, a family dinner among relatives and friends tops its all off. Even that day, as in almost all Latin American countries, children get their Christmas gifts.