Puerto Rico

Workers' Day

This day is marked as Workers' Day.

Columbus Day

When Christopher Columbus came to Puerto Rico During his second voyage –November 19, 1493- there were several Taino tribes (also known as Arawacks) on this island they called Borinquen, meaning Island of the Bold Dream. The Great Admiral called it St. John, but a few years later was definitely named Puerto Rico, though it's usually known as Borinquen.


Christmas is the day when most of Puerto Rican families celebrate with Santa. Homes are tricked out like in the continental United States, but including palm trees and their branches. Nativity scenes are set up, as well as the Three Magi or Three Wise MenPeople sing along aguinaldos –popular Christmas carols. The more religiously charged songs are called villancios, whereas more down-to-earth tunes are named navideñas de las décimas. The rest are just ordinary and common Christmas carols. After the party is over, people bunch up and make door-to-door calls and wake up their neighbors by belting out aguinaldos. Members of the recently called house joined the visiting group and on they go with plenty of music and fun.

Christmas' Eve

Christmas' Eve in Puerto Rico, as in many other Latin American nations, is just a reason for a huge celebration. Families and friends gather for the festivities and guzzle such traditional dishes as roast pork and pork pies. Christmas Mass is indeed a very special and solemn midnight ceremony, yet blissful and usually candlebearing. Many families go to Christmas Mass to preserve the tradition.

Constitution Day

Bowing to both domestic and international opposition, the United States were bound to let Puerto Rico elect its own governor back in 1947. The following year, Luis Muñoz Marín, leader of the People's Democratic Party (PPD), who intended to turn the country into a Free Associated State, was elected governor. The United States authorized the creation of a new constitution in 1959, adopted by popular voting and ratified two years later by the U.S. Congress. This constitution backed up Muñoz Marín's social platform.The Free Associated State status, currently in place, puts finances and foreign affairs in the hand of the United States; common citizenship and currency remains, as well as free entry to the continental United States for Puerto Ricans. After the implementation of the Free Associated State status, the United Nations saved the U.S. from its obligations to report on the Puerto Rican situation to the De-colonization Committee since they supported the agreement as the “end” of colonial rule. However, on September 1978, the De-colonization Committee backed off and a resolution passed by the UN General Assembly called Puerto Rico a colony and demanded the island nation’s self-governing rights.

All Fools' Day

All Fools' Day, also known as Innocent Saints' DayIs held on December 28. Formerly, huge carnival-like feasts used to be held. This tradition still remains in place in a small town called Hatillo. In that location, celebration kicks off with a parade followed by a game in the town's main square. Immigrants brought this kind of carnival to Puerto Rico. Celebration in the rest of the island nation resembles April's Fools Day, with people playing tricks and pranks on one another and making deceiving fun.

Three Magi's Day

The Three Magi tradition in Puerto Rico is seriously observed. Children wait for this day with great expectations and hopes. Kids cut small patches of grass to be tucked inside shoes under their beds. The grass is intended for the Magi's camels, so they can eat while the Wise Men leave their gifts in the house. The children’s wish list is placed on top of the grass patch. At daybreak, the entire island wakes up blissfully while watching happy children rejoice with their new toys. This is a happy day from dusk to dawn; families and friends party together and have special dinners and other festivities in their own houses. The grass-filled shoe the child had put under the bed is now teeming with gifts and presents.